A late Victorian/Italianate architecture with Greek Revival exterior details has experienced an interior and exterior restoration led by 563 Design.
Originally designed by renowned architect Fredolin Herr, the home was built in 1872 by influential Dubuque resident, William L. Bradley. Bradley and his family enjoyed the property for several decades during a time of great development of the city of Dubuque in the late 1800’s. Bradley and his children were involved in many significant land sales and businesses of that time and found great success in the blossoming city.
The Historic Bradley House went on to move in and out of single-family ownership, then became a boarding house, an antique shop, and back to single-family ownership. In 2014, the McCready family, owners of 563 Design, purchased the property and have been immersed in its restoration since then.
The restoration has included all new building systems and infrastructure (hvac, electrical, and plumbing), extensive masonry repair and structural re-stabilizing, complete front porch restoration, and extensive interior remodel including historic window restoration.
The first floor is home to 563 Design’s office, the upper floors are living space for the family. This project has used Secretary of Interior Standards throughout the restoration in order to properly preserve and maintain the beauty and architecture of the home for generations to come.
Preserve Iowa Award Winner: Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, State Historic Preservation Office. Judith A. McClure Award 2023